Florette, Paris 1943
There is no doubt that Jacques Henri Lartigue had an excellent eye, he also had an eye for the ladies and I think perhaps a hand and nail fixation...
On December 17th 1919, Lartigue married his first wife Madeleine Messager, he called her Bibi, they had two children together Dani born in 1921 and Veronique born in 1924, sadly she died at only a few months old. Madeleine and Jacques parted in 1930.
Bibi Paris 1921
Bibi at the Hotel des Alpes, Chamonix, 1920
Bibi on their honeymoon, 1919
From Lartigue's Personal diaries...
January 1920 –
am I ? And what am I doing here ? I am a married man – on my honeymoon.
I think it must be the funniest thing in the world, me, a married man,
on his honeymoon.
Bibi and I go everywhere together … arm in arm. We look at everything; we discover everything”.
her loving days Bibi is intelligent, charming and terribly funny. I
will cherish forever the first photograph I took of her on our
“We have a good life …”
keep in good shape Bibi exercises every morning with her teacher. I
sometimes exercise with her, but that apparently, is disastrous for her
concentration. We laugh too much. I don’t understand why Bibi is so
concerned about her figure. She tells me she does it for me and that I
ought to be flattered. Life is full of excitement, surprises … and best
of all, Bibi.”

Bibi, Cannes 1923
1921 –
have a son ! He was born on August 23. His name is Dani, and he cries,
he screams, he howls … and when Dani finally consents to give his public
a vague, resigned smile of concession, everyone is ecstatic: he smiles
like an angel”
(Printemps) is one month younger than I, Bibi two years. They are both
flowers on the point of opening up to their moment of greatest beauty …
so why do I still look like a bunch of green raisins ?”
1924 –
in the last month of her pregnancy evokes an enormous tenderness in me.
We are very close … in all senses. It seems to me, strangely enough,
that I am waiting with more nervous expectation for this second child
than I waited for our first. Bibi is not nervous. Quietly she prepares
the room for the baby, irons the curtains, plays with Dani. She is tired
… but happy.”
February 1929 -
“Bibi is near to fainting in my arms.”
die on a Sunday. Messager, the always active man. I think about that. I
think about a lot of things. My eyes are dry. Don’t I feel any grief ?
Bibi weeps over her father … isn’t that enough to make my heart melt ?”

Bibi, Hotel des Alpes, Chamonix 1930
June 1929 -
“I am alone in the studio, my cluttered garret, high up in our house in Neuilly. It’s four o clock in the morning. Through the skylight I can see the whole city (Paris)
bathed in the first glow of sunrise. I wonder how many unhappy people
there are living in all the thousands of houses ? Am I one of those
unhappy people ?
a little while, I will go downstairs and lie beside Bibi. But first I
must clarify my thoughts. I haven’t been very successful so far. It has
been said so many, many times that a betrayed husband is the last person
to know and to understand. A betrayed husband ? Me ?
! My little Bibi ! Bibi of our happy years ! Would she really betray me
? I realize, of course, that anything, absolutely anything, can happen
in a lifetime; that the most improbable crises are always plausible. But
this ? Bibi and that poseur ! Bibi, with her lack of patience, her
knife-sharp judgments ! Bibi, the daughter of Messager ! But I shouldn’t
have forgotten that Bibi is also the daughter of that Louis XV mother
with her lace furbelows ! Does Bibi really love this man ? He loves her.
Yes ! To him she is the Rolls-Royce he always wanted to have, when all
the idiot can afford is a Renault ! I talk, I write, I think. But inside
me the chaos continues ! I tell myself lies, and then I try to convince
myself that what I just told to myself is the truth. I think: I love
Bibi, she is mine. I don’t want to be concerned about anything else.
There is a certain kind of suffering you can refuse. I am very sleepy,
and I realize that I don’t know anything more than I did a few hours

Bibi, Megeve, January 1930
July 1929 -
I talk feverishly about the need to produce and to create, it really
means that I’m in the midst of a crisis. Again I’ve become a spectator,
an outsider, which, apparently is the only way I can live through these
dramas. I have learned one thing: I should never have trusted our
silences. I shouldn’t even have trusted the affectionate conversations
we have had, Bibi and I. Our happiness has been assassinated ! We remain
friends, we talk without anger, but the words – my words – are
artificial. My second self, that cold, phlegmatic creature – my
self-appointed referee – chuckles in a corner about my performance in
real life.
Bibi arranging flowers, Nice 1920
Bibi and their son Dani, Nice February 1928
1930 -
“I live alone with my fantasies. Perhaps they are the best company a man can have?”
is almost deserted. The smell of the hot asphalt evokes memories of
other summers. And all those memories together form one great big,
enormous chaos: love. There are old, marvellous, tender, indescribable
memories that I never did, and never could, invite Bibi to share.”
In 1930 Jacques meets the beautiful Renee Perle, the lady that went on to become his most famous muse, she became his mistress, Renee and Jacques were together for two years.

Paris, March 7, 1930 -
past five at the Embassy. I wait for my “parasol” from last night. I
need a whisky. I’m very shy deep down, and ready to be furious if she
doesn’t show up. It’s my curiosity that would be most disappointed…
thirty-five. There she is! Can it really be her? Ravishing, tall,
slim, with a small mouth and full lips, and dark porcelain eyes. She
casts aside her fur coat in a gust of warm perfume. We’re going to
dance. Mexican? Cuban? Her very small head sits on a very long neck.
She is tall; her mouth is at the level of my chin. When we dance my
mouth is not far from her mouth. Her hair brushes against both.
My name is Renée P… I was a model at Doeuillet…” Delicious. She takes
off her gloves. Long, little girl’s hands. Something in my mind starts
dancing at the thought that one day perhaps she would agree to paint
the nails of those hands…”
To see a previous post all about Renee go
On March 12th 1934 he marries Marcelle Paolucci or 'Coco' as she was known, they divorced in 1942
Coco 1934
Coco in the garden
Coco on the beach, Hendaye 1934
In January 1942 he meets twenty one year old Florette Ormea in Monte Carlo, Jacques was twenty seven years her senior. They married on August 28th 1945, They remained happily together until Jacques death in 1986, aged 92.
Florette, 1947
Florette, Paris 1944
Florette Paris 1944
Florette, Paris 1944
Florette Paris 1944
Florette Paris, 1944
Florette, Monte Carlo, 1953
Florette Paris 1944
Florette with JFK and a friend, Le Cap d'Antibes 1953
Florette at Picasso's studio, Cannes, 1955
"I have never taken a picture
for any other reason than that at that moment it made me happy to do so"
Jacques Henri Lartigue