Monday, December 12, 2011

Henri Eugène Augustin Le Sidaner

Apologies, this post is light on words as I am still busy trying to catch up with all the chores and Christmas jobs that were put off due to my horrible cold!  I have been a very neglectful blogger and I hope to catch up with all your blogs soon.

I leave you with some wintry scenes from the highly underrated French artist, Henri le Sidaner and I would like to thank Jane Librizzi from The Blue Lantern, for reminding me just why I love his work so much and also providing the source for some of these images.


  1. Light on words but heavy on images. I like it, as I am in the middle of writing my next story this morning ;-) I did not know this French artist. What would I do without you, Dash? Glad you could stop by for some Kir Royal and petits fours at Le Blog's birthday party today. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Dash, my dear, what a beautiful selection of wintry pictures. Thank you so much. Hope your cold is getting better. With Season Greetings, ASD x

  3. Well, I am an American so I hope that you will bear with me when I admit that I actually said "no way!" when I saw your new header. Reeeally? That much snow? Sigh. Heaven. AND you found the exact font that I had in my head for my blog but was too lazy to go and find. *shaking my head in wonder*

    And to top it off, I love the work of this artist, whom I had no idea even existed. So lovely.

    Merci! Hope you are on the mend!

  4. What gorgeous paintings and on my birthday no less! Loving the post...have a great afternoon!!

  5. I love his work! Thank you for posting these!Jennifer:)

  6. My favorite is the top picture... the second or third one down has me wanting to yell at whoever left those wooden chairs out in the weather! 8-)

  7. these are gorgeous.
    love love love them@!

    happy holidays xxx


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