My Brothers extremely elegant Drawing Room
I have just returned home from a ten day stint in my home county of North Yorkshire and had the most wonderful time catching up with close family and friends, so much warmth and love, I always feel like the prodigal daughter when I return. I have to stay with my Mother, Father, Sister and Brother in equal measures, otherwise there is squabbles, once upon a time back in my student days a return visit from me would strike fear into every member of my family, (Just to put you in the picture, I am the youngest member of the family thus was always referred to as 'the baby of the family', isn't that annoying? No wonder I was BAD!) just how much washing was I bringing home? Which unsuitable boyfriend (or creature as my Mother liked to refer to them) would I be inflicting upon them, my untidiness, laziness and habit of not getting out of bed until after Midday never went down too well and there was always the danger of my friends and I deciding to throw an impromptu party. Times have changed and now I am fought over. One of the downsides of living abroad is not being close to your nearest and dearest, however much technology there is to communicate with, nothing beats seeing your loved ones in the flesh.
I am now safely back on French soil and have managed to catch the most horrible cold virus along the way, I am not up to much at the moment, other than lying prostrate on the sofa, surrounded by tissues, watching TV and old movies, reading magazines and books and dosing up with sudafed and paracetamol. I hope it passes soon as I have a house to clean and decorate and a ton of stuff to do, hope to catch up with you all soon.
A typical Yorkshire scene; cobbles, Wellington boots and 'The Girls' accompanied by friends and humans. The girls are sporting their smart waterproof coats and are eagerly waiting for the Humans to stop standing about and talking so the walk can get going!