Friday, April 15, 2011

Veiled Ladies

Louise Dahl-Wolfe

La Pudicizia Velata, Antonio Corrandini

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend


  1. Just waiting for the descent of the gendarmerie....

  2. I'm always amazed by veiled sculpture. It must be so hard to do.

  3. I love pictures of veiled woman, they're so eery! When i visited Chatsworth House (the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire's residence) i saw this sculpture of a veiled woman ( in the sculpture gallery. It was featured in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice film, in which Chatsworth was used as Mr Darcy's 'Pemberley'. I found it really haunting and a bit confronting (for some reason...i may be way off the mark here haha).

    Thanks for your words of encouragment the other day, i was having a minor breakdown with all the stuff i had to do. You're right, it's all about balance - something i haven't yet been successful in getting in my life :S I've broken up for Easter now so atleast i've now got a chance to sleep, catch up with friends and sort my life out!

    Lots of love, Lucy :) x

  4. Hello:
    What an absolutely splendid way to start the weekend. These images of veiled women are so appealing and, of course, come at a time when there is so much debate in France over women covering their faces with a veil.

    When does a veil cease to be a layer of mystery and become a barrier?

    1. This cease to be a layer of mystery when a religion force you to do it....simple as that.

  5. quite beautiful.....such I;ve said before I think the burka could be the way forward

  6. The statue is amazing to the point of Michelangelo eat your heart out [almost]

  7. So beautiful...I am amazed at the artistry of the sculpture and the mystery is relays.

  8. Just discovered your lovely blog via Stella's Roar. Easter greetings from London - Susan x


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