Friday, July 23, 2010

I Am Still Here!

Yes, I am still here, stressful days at the moment, this is my busiest time of year, which partly explains lack of posts and comments on your fabulous blogs.

What can I say, everyone is on holiday in Europe at the moment.   With so many Summer guests to cater for  (which I love but does not give me much time!) I am once again running round like a headless chicken, whilst of course being charming.  Cooking, cleaning, mowing, etc. Everyone in France has gone on holiday including my local ironing service in the local town which means I am knee deep in sheets and pillow cases, I am crap at ironing sheets but it has to be done.

The weather here in the Pyrenees is erratic it's either boiling hot or stormy, making the temperature drop twenty degrees, oh Joy we don't know where we are.  Added to that windows seven is proving totally incompatible with our computer, I am currently screaming at the computer whilst it hangs and continuously does things it shouldn't MG has resorted to the laptop, which means I don't get a look in.  Bill Gates, hang your head in shame! I am now looking into buying a MAC as am totally fed up with Microsoft.

Apologies for this giant whinge, am going to try my damndest to resume normal service soon.


  1. Well- you take good care and enjoy the good weather when you get it- we'll be right hear waiting when things settle's so worth the wait. Have a nice weekend~

  2. Greetings to you, Monsieur G and Crusoe;

    I do hope you have some time to de-stress and as I have burnt more than pressed with the iron, I empathise with your plight.

    Have you ever spent time in Paris?

  3. Dash I was chatting to Christina this evening and said that I wondered where you were. As long as you are ok thats all that matters. I too am also busy and just not writing posts, but also reading but not always commenting on all of them as it all takes time enjoyable but sometimes impossible... I am a bit drunk so this may not make sense lol
    Love Ruth xx

  4. E, I will de-stress, just give me a couple of day's! Grrr hate ironing!

    I lived in Paris for two years.

  5. Honestly, Mac is the only way to go! The easiest, fastest things imaginable!! Highly recommended.

    And ironing sheets is certainly a pain, but oh, the way they feel when you slip between them is worth every whinge, don't you think?

  6. When we were letting holiday houses, we bought an ironing machine..
    I have never used fitted sheets, believing firmly that if God had intended us to use fitted sheets He would not have permitted the invention of French mattress I don't know how a machine would cope with them, but for normal sheets it made ironing far less of a nightmare.
    I do sympathise with you...I liked the guests...with notable exceptions...but the sheer lunacy of changeover days was beyond belief!
    As was the week of washing and ironing that followed!

  7. Dear Dash, glad you're alright. We've missed you!

    I've never owned an iron or an ironing board in my life, it's saved me a lot of bother!! How inconsiderate for the ironing service to go on holidays!

    Get yourself a Mac... you will wonder why you bothered with a bloody PC for all these years. I could never, ever use a PC again. I can't stand the things. Mac's are fantastic, it's like a different world.

    I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend and stuff the ironing! xx

  8. PS. Pamela Terry and Edward is right about the sheets but I find if you hang them out really well you can get away with it xx

  9. You poor thing. Don't worry about us...we'll still be here when things are a little less hectic. I don't envy you the sheet ironing :)

  10. Good luck and Bon Courage with your busy time Dash, I will think of you when I next face the Mountain of Ironing! Bx

  11. Good luck! Oh I have heaps of stuff to do - back home after 3 months.

  12. Hope you managed to catch up with the laundry - I'm with you in spirit Dash - we have just waved visitors off down the drive and as I prepared to run up to the top floor and strip the bed (again) I stopped off in the office to catch up with you I still am and the sheets are still on the bed! There's always tomorrow! x
    P.S. The 'word' I have to enter is 'reste' - I think that's an omen!

  13. My iron just stopped working and now the ironing is piling up and I have less and less to wear.

    It's pretty typical that the ironing service closes completely during the busy holiday months. Is there no pressing you could use instead?

  14. You like Breakfast at Tiffany's?
    Maybe you like my painting... I would be pleased if you have a look at it...
    Greetings from Germany :-)

  15. Dash - I thought I'd already posted to this, but must have shot off before my word verification was sorted out!

    Have you got one of those specialist irons that is great for sheets and pillowcases - a huge steaming thing that's about the size of an ironing board?

    They help enormously with bedding. My friends ran a B&B and one of my jobs was ironing sheets on a Friday. It saved a huge amount of work, but didn't have make my face go pink (and my hair frizzy!)

    Ali x

  16. Once you've finished ironing out your mess buy yourself a MAC.
    They are easier to use and all viruses are made for PC's.
    X David

  17. Dash - nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award. If you've won it so often that you don't feel like taking part, it's ok :-)

    Ali x

  18. Hi Dash,, hope you're still hanging in there. I'm sure that you've had some charming guests who make the work worth while!

    I need to send you an email but can't find your address. Would you mind mailing me?

    Thank you

  19. wow ironed bed linen!! one can only wonder at how lucky your guests are..........Mac is the way forward, even I can work a Mac.....more or less!!

  20. I think you are so sweet to be ironing sheets for your guests. You must be the perfect hostess, Dash.


Thank you for visiting French Sampler, I hope you come back soon. I love to read your comments and will reply as soon as I can.